Parent-Child Dedication

What is Parent/Child Dedication?

The commitments made during parent/child dedication are as follows:

  • Parents confess faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
  • Parents commit to creating an environment in their homes that reflects Christ in both word and deed, encouraging their children to commit their lives to Jesus as well.
  • Parents make it a priority to train up their children to live a life that pleases God.
  • Those in relationship with the families stand and dedicate themselves to encouraging the parents in the raising of their children through prayer, support and accountability.

Parent/Child dedication is a public statement of commitment to raising your child for God’s honor and glory.  As such, it is not to be regarded as a replacement for an individual’s choice to commit their life to Jesus, nor is it a substitute for baptism or a gesture in place of baptism.


Who is Parent/Child Dedication for?

  • Parents wishing to make a public statement of commitment to raising their child(ren) for God’s honor and glory.  We do not put age restrictions on children. 

Both the husband and wife desiring to publicly dedicate their child are asked to:

  •  Be a member of a group or serving team that will be able to support and encourage them in their parenting journey.
  •  Attend and complete the Dedication Classes, which cover specific issues related to parenting and the meaning of child      dedication.

What steps should I take?


Upcoming dates for Parent/Child Dedication are:

  • Class dates – West Bend: TBD at 9:00am in Senior Center Art Room
  • Class dates – Jackson: Please contact Ryan LaTour at
  • Dedication date for both sites: TBD (2025)

Click the following link to complete a sign-up form.

Questions can be directed to the following: