On behalf of our entire leadership team, thanks for exploring our website. If you have found your way to this part of our site, it's likely that you are trying to figure out who we are and what we are about. We are a family of followers of Jesus, helping others follow Jesus, and we would love to have you be a part of what God is doing in our lives, homes, communities, and the world.
We are family. Through faith in Jesus we believe that we become sons and daughters of God, and we are seeking to live out that identity together. We have a significant emphasis on smaller groups here at Kettlebrook because if we are truly family, we want to know one another and be known. Jesus Himself said that the world will know that we are his followers by our love for each other. We are the first to admit that we don't do this perfectly, but we grow together through the beautiful mess that is family.
We are followers of Jesus. We are seeking, among many things, to be humble and servant-hearted because Jesus didn't come to be served but to serve and give His life. In so doing, He altered the course of history, and He continues to do so all over the world. Jesus said a lot of things that both inspire and convict us. We're just trying to follow Him because we believe He's the only one worth following.
We are committed to helping others follow Jesus. We can't be just about ourselves. That's why we want to help others follow Jesus, you included! We truly believe that Jesus is the best news you and anyone else could ever hear. So, welcome! We invite you to join us on this journey together.
~ Troy Loether